Who We Are
The Art Association of Harrisburg promotes and encourages the visual arts through art exhibition and education, enriching the wellbeing of the local community.

Striving for Excellence
Additionally, the AAH is dedicated to providing top-quality art education to children and adults through our year round art classes. Scholarships are provided for those with financial need.
Proud to be Non-Profit
The Art Association of Harrisburg is a 501C-3 nonprofit organization, registered with the Department of State’s Bureau of Charitable Organizations.

Located in the historic Governor Findlay Mansion at 2l North Front Street in downtown Harrisburg across from the scenic Susquehanna River.
21 North Front Street
Harrisburg, PA 17101
Our Staff Members
The AAH is run by a team of professionals who have years of experience in the art world, and are dedicated to bringing artistic excellence to the Greater Harrisburg Area.

Carrie Wissler-Thomas
Carrie holds her BA in Fine Art from Hood College and her Master’s Degree from Temple University. Prior to employment as President of the Art Association in 1986, she was a freelance artist, instructor, and art writer. She has held many solo exhibitions of her own oil paintings, and has participated in numerous group and invitational shows. View her work at www.wisslerthomas.com.

Nate Foster
Director of Exhibitions
Nate Foster is an artist, instructor, and the Director of Exhibitions for the Art Association. As such, he coordinates the exhibitions in the main AAH galleries, as well as managing the Sales Gallery. He also works with President Wissler-Thomas to manage the extensive Community Exhibition program. Nate’s focus is to bring artists from under-represented communities to wider audiences, while also showcasing works by well-known regional artists. He tailors the Sales Gallery to shine a light on unique and diverse artists to provide a space for their work to flourish and for the community to appreciate new,, emerging art. From spring through fall, he teaches Basic Drawing. Member artists may contact Nate concerning consigning work to the Sales Gallery by calling 717-236-1432 from 10 AM to 2 PM Monday through Friday.

Jonathan Frazier
Gallery Assistant
Jonathan Frazier serves as the Gallery Assistant on Tuesday evenings. He’s a well-known area artist and musician, including a regular performer at AAH opening receptions.

Carrie Feidt
Gallery Assistant
Carrie Feidt is a freelance artist and art instructor. She serves at AAH as a teacher for both the Acrylic Painting class and the Art for Kids class, and she is a Gallery Assistant as needed.

Alanna Barton
Gallery Assistant
Alanna Barton received her BA in Art History from Kutztown University. Currently she works as a gallery assistant during the week. Her interest in the art field stemmed from visiting multiple galleries and museums within the U.S and in Europe. In the near future, she hopes to travel more and expand her knowledge of art history.

Randy Miller III
Web Admin / Gallery Assistant
Randy has run the AAH website and served as Gallery Assistant on Sunday afternoons since 2002. He formerly taught an all-ages Drawing and Cartooning class and enjoys graphic design, writing, and meeting new people. Stop by and say hi!
Board of Directors
Travis DiNicola, Board Chair (Right)
Cynthia Graeff, Vice Chair
Robert Potter, Treasurer
Barbara Passeri-Warfel, Secretary
Board Members
Haley Baumgarten
Jillian Biehl Morrison
Shamaine Daniels
Benjamin Faesel
Bradley Gebhart
Russell Orlando
Board Members Emeritus
David W. Volkman
Randolph Michener

Fine Art Appraisals
The AAH is pleased to announce that Noel F. Marks (left), Fine Art Consultant, will be available in the AAH Galleries every Thursday morning from 10 am to 1 pm to examine and offer verbal appraisals of oil paintings, watercolors, sculpture, prints, antiques and collectibles.
Members of the AAH are entitled to one free appraisal each year.
Non-members must provide a $20 donation to the AAH for this service.
Marks is the President of Lancaster County Antique Art and has over 40 years experience in buying, selling and appraising fine art, antiques and collectibles. He has sold works by Andrew Wyeth, Benjamin West, Marc Chagall, Winslow Homer, Norman Rockwell, Thomas Moran, William Merritt Chase, August Renoir, Alexander Calder and hundreds of other listed American and European artists.
Items to be evaluated can be left with Nate Foster at the registration desk during gallery hours, or you can bring the items to the AAH on any Thursday morning when Mr. Marks is in the galleries.